This forum is a replacement for the politics forum.
These are the rules of the forum (any on this site):
Under no circumstances must the forum be used for the communication of, reference to or linking to any of the following:
1. nudity, pornography, anything of a sexual, lewd, or obscene nature;
2. violations of any copyright or any other right of any third party;
3. threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory statements;
4. promotion of illegal activities (hacking, cracking, etc);
5. information or software containing or about any kind of virus;
6. hate speech or hate propaganda;
7. the collection of personal information for illegal purposes;
8. content deemed by us at our sole discretion to be harmful to us;
"6. hate speech or hate propaganda;"
Bjorn, please could you confirm that this category includes anti British hate speech and hate propaganda
it includes ANY hate speech or hate propaganda
Why don't you just register your username?
Bjorn, can I ask why you've given in to this guys mutliple personalites. Red Hand, Donal, Willem Van Oranje, Larry, Freedom, etc. We had a good board going, the occasional Brit comin and giving his side of the arguement. But then this guy comes and starts a whole load of bullshit that results in the Politics forum being removed. And now we have a new forum back and we cant say anything about our political views or anything. The guy isn't even registered yet he has had a hand in removing the Politics forum and silencing our views.
The rules is a copy of my ISPs AUP.
Lo peeps
Ow's it anging
will be in your green and pleasent in the next few days for a wedding and a little motorcycle training, quite looking forward to it.
till then chill
But Bjorn, the Politics forum didn't have all these rules.
We were allowed to talk about your political stance and discuss our views openly.
Does your ISP check the content of every post on this site?
Does it even check this site at all?
Seriosly Bjorn, is this like a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, "obey the rules", nudge nudge, wink wink, kinda thing? Are you gonna enforce them? Cause a few of them are gonna completely stem any kinda discussion that was goin on here. And that'd be a shame cause this forum was a pretty open forum where you could express any view you had, no matter how warped. There ain't many forums like that around.
You said you didn't read the AUP before, so why have you read it now!? Can't you just conveniently forget about them?!
Sl�n tamaill
"I'm in violation of your AUP? I didn't know you had an AUP!"
I think that by having an UNREGISTERED name like "RED HAND OF ULSTER" is not only an insult to any decent Republican, but to allow any posts from such a name not only INSULTS all of us, but breeds contempt. He/they are Obviously trouble-makers (as their past has proven) and to allow ANY posts from any of them would DEFINATELY prove detrimental to the advancement of this forum. Obviously, this little piss-ant has monitored this site day after day after day just waiting to get his little "Two cents worth" in. This forum started a long time before these "maggots" infested here. Ever since, It has been nothing but "ASS-ACHES". I have already initiated the investigators into this "supposed" consultant. He HAS BEEN and still IS on their list of trouble makers. I suggest to EVERYONE just to completly ignore him/them and DO NOT REPLY TO ANYTHING HE/THEY SAY! Yes, He will try and come back as some other "weird loyalist" name, but there is a pattern to him and we have already tracked that. He is easy to see. Bjorn, this does NOT violate anything in the rules.
This is the BIGGEST Problem that you have had since day 1.
I say we just Ignore the Prick and carry on with our forum.
Let me put this another way.... Would you plant a garden, only to have someone tell you when and how to grow it?
I see Red Hand has now registered, and you will see that I registered in early June. As I think I mentioned once before I know Red Hand, I do not know Freedom or Larry, and for what its worth I think Larry's threats of denial of service were wrong, apart from anything else I expect other sites on the same server would have been affected.
Up to now I haven't heard much from you on the site but my impression is that you are a decent guy who wants to run a website about Irish music. If that is the case then do you really want to allow people like Patrick and Noel - who represent the most vicious extremist fringe of Irish Republicanism - to hijack it?
Red Hand told me about this site, he found it because a Google search took him to a page in guestbook which you have made read only. The Google search was for a phrase which Unionists will look up from time to time so you you'll always find some of us stumbling upon your site every so often.
When I had a look through the old guestbook I found it to be particularly vitriolic. I can remember one particular post by Patrick in the guestbook which I believe violated rules 1, 3 and 6 of your acceptable use policy. May I ask if the illegal activities which rule 4 forbids you from promoting include murders, bombings and other acts of terror.
This will be my last post as I think we have made our point. I will try to convince Red Hand of this too although he has a much more personal reason to hate the IRA than I have, they shot a member of his family.
Just Ignore him(them). If you dont reply to them, they will eventually get bored and find some other forum to infest
Well seeing as someone deleted my post to Billy the Hun, I'll repeat
"Willem, how is it that, you dont know Freedom nor Larry. You know Red Hand, his family was shot by the IRA and yours weren't. Because, you, Freedom, Larry, Red Hand, Donal, all have the same IP's. That means two things.
1) You know all of them and you all go round to the one house/computer to post.
2) You are all the same person, posting from the one computer.
So Willem, Larry, Freedom, Red Hand, Donal. I hope you are proud of yourself. Because you have fucked up by bringing your fucking trouble to this forum. I wouldn't mind if you had jsut talked about it. But then you threaten to hack, threaten to have the forums shut down, threaten us all. You sign up as numerous different identities trying to back yourself up. It's all disgusting to me. If you had signed up as the one person, and stuck to your story on that one person, and ust expressed your views, I would have even welcomed it. But no, you had to fuck the forums right up the ass.
Bill, pog mo thoin.
I thought this had been covered. Myself, Willem and I guess Donal started off using the same proxy server, then we started jumping around when it was blocked. Either Freedom and Larry stumbled across the same servers by chance or you're guessing.
Willem I guess you're right - we've made our point. See you on Saturday
Answer me this Red Hand. Why do you visit this forum? Are you of Celtic heritage? Do you like Celtic songs? Are you of true Irish heritage? Are you proud of the Irish nation? Do you love Ireland?
No is your answer to all of them. And all of they categories is what the people that love and enjoy posting here, like myself, Charlotte, Noel, Patrick, Padraig, Ryan, Cate, Christophe, Fianna. We fall into those categories. That is why we post here. To discuss and enjoy our loved nation and all things associated with it.
You have absolutley no business being here. None at all. So why dont you go back to that followfollow website you talk of and worship so often, and leave us in peace.
"Just Ignore him(them). "
Ghandi was no irish. Ignore is Hindu way.
I think the phrase might be,
"I'd rather be dead than be a Hun!"
I deleted the previous message
Well lads,
I thought this was a site for lyrics. I for one wouldn't deny my republican opinions but neither would I deny others the right to disagree.
Let's stick to music on here and use other boards for politicising. (
1 thing I would suggest is to only allow registered members to post messages, and only those with verifed e-mail addresses.
@ Reesdavid:
I found this site when I was looking for lyrics, I looked around on the site and read the forum. I thought it was great! Why shouldn't this site handle other topics than lyrics? There was no trouble at all on this forum until those brutes came infesting it, then I must admit this forum STARTED to bore me...
I could have a normal conversation with those guys but they don't give me a chance! And I'm most certainly not wasting all my energy by replying them: useless.
They're just a bunch of bullies, a pitty but a fact.
I don't think the right solution is stopping every discussion about Irish Republicanism on this site because some f*cks had one and only goal: screwing this site up.
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