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I was having a chat with a person whom I belive was Terry Mc Daid's niece, and we got on the topic of our hero's past and present. So I wanted to continue this here.

The question she asked was.." Do you see anymore hero's like Bobby Sands, Micheal Collins, James Connelly, just to name a few, comming out of Ireland in todays fight?

I have to say I think not, only because I don't see much of a " fight " going on.
It seems that most people are sitting back and watching The Sinn F�in.

If Ireland were freed from the Brits today do you think that Gerry Adams would be the next myrtar?

I think that there are alot of unknown soldiers out there like myself and you people who might not get credit because we are not in parliment etc.. I think the fight today won't rest in one man or government, we as a people and a nation need to do our own individual part and together added up we can achieve a free Ireland. I do not agree with a united Ireland in the sense that the Sinn F�in are selling.

I personally don't see Loyalists and Republicans living side by side, 800 years is a long time to just says SORRY.

SOI Up the 'RA
today there are no heroes, only unknown faces... sad but true...

but I think a united Ireland should be a united Ireland, and if the loyalists want to stay, they should be welcome...
Unknown heroes are still heroes.
Of course there are many great names in Irish History, but the unknown ones were not less brave. Think of each young soldier who gave his life or just fought, of the women who simply waited for their husbands, the children throwing stones, etc... There are heroes every day and all around you. Just that they don't leave their names in History. But in the end, the names of our heroes matter less than Ireland herself.
remembers me of the song "Irish Soldier Laddie"
I can count many heroes that post on this very site Keep up the Great work people.
I don't think any true Republican would be shallow enough to seek out heroism, to become known, to become infamous. Heroism is bestowed on those who unselfishly sacrafice their lives and livlihood for the good of their people, without a thought for themselves. Which is why De Valera is no hero of mine...but let's not get into that!

Republicanism isn't about individual heroism, although we've had our share of extraordinary individuals who have fought with more pride, spirit and determination that others. But without the people around them, none of the people you mentioned would have been able to have done what they did.

And you have to be dead to be a martyr...
Completely agreeing with you Fianna
I belive that it's not about bringing spotlight to yourself but to the cause. I just don't see anyone going to that extreme, but hey what do I know!

I think there are many heroes. Every single mum out there raising their children as best as they can, all those people that keep the memory alive of all those heroes that had died before, all the muscians that have brought some wonderful music that has touched our hearts and our minds, the authors that have wrote books, poetry and such that have done the same as. It isn't eveyday that you find someone that is just wonderful and friendly and so much at peace here. We are a people full of conflict, internal as well as external, so any of those that has managed to balance it all is a definate hero to me. A hero finds the beauty in everything as well as fighting for a cause. They also have a very strong faith, no matter what faith that be. A child makes him smile, and can be moved to tears because his heart is grand. There are many characteristics that I see make a hero. Yes, there were many great famous heroes here, but I do believe that a hero is not defined by his status or fame. of course I may just be insane also lol but I would like to believe that there are still some out there
It's very difficult to call someone a HERO untill he is alive...
The main reason you don't hear about heroes is complex.
Basically, people have been so blinded by the media, violent movies and mainstream thoughts that to be a hero takes alot.
Bobby Sands. He led a band of men that died on a hunger strike. To us, they are some of the GREATEST heroes, but if they were in 2004, same scenario, there would be little more than a small article in the newspaper, and scrolling text under Dan Rather.
The fact is, people would much rather a man to fill Osama Bin Laden with bullets than watch a "ragtag bunch of hippies" whither and die in the H-Block.
Heroes? Sure there are. But you'll never hear about them.
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